30 December 2024 1 Rajab 1446
Isha Iqaamah
8:00 pm2 Hours 57 Minutes |
Prayer | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Begins | 6:55 am | 8:25 am | 12:17 pm | 2:11 pm | 4:02 pm | 5:32 pm |
Iqaamah | 7:00 am | 1:00 pm | 2:30 pm | 4:02 pm | 8:00 pm |
Wythenshawe Masjid Presents:
Girls Youth Qiyaam
🗓️ Saturday 14th December
đź•’ 20:30 – 22:30
đźšą Sisters aged 11-16
🍕 Food and refreshments provided
💬 Reminders, activities and more…
⚠️ Registration closes Thursday 12th December 8pm
âť• Limited spaces – please register
❗️ No registration, no entry
‼️ If you register and do not attend without cancelling, you will not be allowed to attend next month’s Qiyam.
If you need to cancel your registration, you must notify us via email by 8pm on Thursday 12th December.
📧 [email protected]
Jazakum Allahu Khayr
Wythenshawe Masjid