About Us

The Muslim population in Wythenshawe has been steadily increasing in recent years. In an effort to organise services for this growing community, Wythenshawe Muslim Association (WMA) was established in January 2022.

The local Muslim community used to meet at St Luke’s Hall for prayers, classes, and social events; however, as the community grew the need for a permanent place of worship was identified.

Alhamdulillah in February 2023 we moved into the building which we now know as Wythenshawe Masjid.

Since our inception, we have been facilitating daily prayers, hosting community gatherings, and offering educational and youth activities for the local Muslim community. We have also been supporting numerous projects taking place in the wider community and are always keen to contribute to the good work already taking place in Wythenshawe.

Our vision is rooted in the Islamic tradition and follows the Prophetic example by making education, worship, and community essential components of all our activities.

The Wythenshawe Masjid team consists of a small number of dedicated volunteers who seek to represent the majority of Muslims in Wythenshawe and provide services and activities that are of benefit to the whole community.

Alhamdulillah, our portfolio of activities is gradually growing: in addition to the regular prayers, we offer youth activities; educational classes for men, women and children; community Coffee Evenings; and, a Mother and Toddler group, just to name a few.

Please keep an eye on the calendar below and follow us on X and Instagram to keep up to date with all our activities.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Managing the Masjid

Managing the Masjid is a colossal task but Maash’Allah very rewarding. The team consist of a lean number of individuals supported by a a small volunteer base from our growing community. We try our best to take on board ideas and suggestions from the community and remain as inclusive as possible.

There are a number of subcommittees that support the daily activities of the Masjid and these are managed by the management team, again who are volunteers but have a responsibility to look after the best interests of the Masjid.

If you would like to contact any of the management team, please see their details below:

Abdalla Yosuf

[email protected]

Adam Smith

[email protected]

Ammar Darwish

[email protected]

Husaam Astewani

[email protected]

Milak Choudhury

[email protected]

Nour Baki Zada

[email protected]

Salim Astewani

[email protected]

Usman Choudry

[email protected]

Yusuf Mirza

[email protected]

Imam Abu Zaid

[email protected]

Managing the Masjid is a colossal task but Maash’Allah very rewarding. The team consist of a lean number of individuals supported by a a small volunteer base from our growing community. We try our best to take on board ideas and suggestions from the community and remain as inclusive as possible.

There are a number of subcommittees that support the daily activities of the Masjid and these are managed by the management team, again who are volunteers but have a responsibility to look after the best interests of the Masjid.

If you would like to contact any of the management team, please see their details below:

Abdalla Yosuf

[email protected]

Adam Smith

[email protected]

Ammar Darwish

[email protected]

Husaam Astewani

[email protected]

Milak Choudhury

[email protected]

Nour Baki Zada

[email protected]

Salim Astewani

[email protected]

Usman Choudry

[email protected]

Yusuf Mirza

[email protected]

Imam Abu Zaid

[email protected]

Imam Abu Zaid


Imam Abu Zaid has been leading prayers at Wythenshawe Masjid since late 2023. He is a much respected Imam who…

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us, please use the form below


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